... in a sea of my own thoughts.
still have not decided on a major. my heart tells me to go for the history degree that I have always wanted, but common sense (and my parents) are pushing me hard towards a degree in something business-related. God seems to be mostly silent on the matter as of yet. what to do? I am not bad at business, but it's not my passion by far. I struggle along for B's. History has always and will always be my foremost interest. It's easy for me to remember & receive A's in, and I'd love nothing more than to spend the rest of my life dusting off old books and restoring things. Problem? There no money in history. or, well, less money than a business degree anyways. There are no jobs in history, and if the market crashes (like it's trending) I wont have income. getting a business degree seems, on the face of it, to be the smart thing to do. it's also a shit-ton of money & 5 more semesters IF I take 18 credits a semester and IF they offer everything I need when I need it. If not, then it will easily be 3+ years till I graduate. Ive already been in for 2!
I need a pole star, I need some direction. Someone please point me!