Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's official, I am not allowed to reproduce,

I just spent 90 minutes in Toys R Us agonizing over whether to get my one-year-old niece the pink toy toaster, the pink pot and pan set, OR the pink coffeemaker for her birthday. Not even joking, it was pick one up, walk halfway to the register, walk back, pick up the other one, walk halfway to the register, walk back... I am pretty sure everyone thought I had completely lost it. I was beginning to agree with them. How much worse am I going to be when it's MY kid's first birthday instead of just my niece?!

(the pink pots & pans were the winner, in the end.)

in other news, I have also gotten a haircut (finally!), and my bangs have returned to their banglike state, instead of beginning to resemble a horse's forelock. I cannot tell you how excited this makes me.

For your viewing pleasure:
(the joys of working at a kennel!)